哥林多前书 第1章 叶牧师 中英摘要

哥林多前书 第一章





2016/1/7 風美小組 葉長老信息 / 天運 摘錄整理


Corinthians 1

  Corinth is the fourth largest city of Rome; in the city lived about 250 thousand people of different races. Half of its population were immigrants (mostly salves). Imaginably, there were many conflicts between the native people and the new comers. The situations of the church in Corinth are similar to the ones of churches in Taiwan nowadays. We have been enriched in every way—with all kinds of speech and with all knowledge. It is likely that the problems the church in Corinth faced are the problems we are facing now, so we really should thank Paul for having written the first and the second Corinthians. Both of the books contain teachings from God for us to follow. There are 29 chapters in total (16 chapters in 1 Corinthians, 13 chapters in 2 Corinthians), which makes it the longest letter by Paul. The first Corinthians can be divided into two parts. The first part includes chapters 1-6, which describes the problems of the church in Corinth that Paul had heard of. The second part includes chapter 7-16, which provides solutions to the problems mentioned in the first part.

  While Paul was in Ephesus, some people from Chloe’s household informed him of the conflicts within the church in Corinth. That is, there were divisions among the people in the church. There must be a reason why people are divided. Paul spent one-and-a-half year to establish the church in Corinth, so, some people believed they should follow Paul. Cephas (Peter) was a Jew, therefore, many Jews in the church, who didn’t want to let go of the Jewish laws (e.g., the circumcision, the Sabbath, and separating clean/unclean things), wanted to follow Peter. Apollos was an intellectual, so educated people, or those who valued knowledge more, supported Apollos.

  Paul said that some people thought that they are so smart that they made fun of the cross. God then saves those who believe through a way that is considered foolish by the Gentiles. Only when you are willing to believe that you realize it is the power and wisdom of God. For people in this world, cross is a sign of shame; how can the king of kings die on a cross? He should be leading a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses and overcome His enemy. People couldn’t understand that when Jesus came to this world for the first time, He came with grace; He was born in a humble family, suffered a painful death, and resurrected three days after His death. He torn the curtain that barred men from their creator, so that people can be once again unified with God. The holy blood of Jesus Christ washed our sins away, that is why we can pray to our Lord now and call Him our heavenly father. Two things are essential for our salvation. The first thing is that Jesus Christ had to come to this world and be crucified for us; His holy blood cleans us of our sins, and His resurrection brings us eternal life. The second thing is that we have to accept Jesus Christ as our savior and repent. Our salvation can only be complete through these two things.

  A Church should be the place where God’s will is fulfilled! We should not love this world. God has given up on this world, but He hasn’t forsaken the people. God loves everyone on earth! Therefore, we should spread the Gospel, and save as many souls as possible for God.

2016/1/7 Message by Elder Yeh


哥林多前书 第2章 叶牧师 中英摘要

哥林多前书  第2章







2016/1/14 葉長老風美小組信息 / 孝偲摘錄整理


1 Corinthians Chapter 2

  After Paul left Corinth, he learned that the church there had a lot of problems which needed to be solved one by one. As a result, Paul wrote first and second Corinthians, the longest letters of all. God led Paul onto a path that was not easy to take. Paul described that he came to the church of Corinth “in weakness with great fear and trembling,” because he was doing the work of God. When you are doing God’s work, people will reject or oppress you; people would like to see you fall or scared. However, Paul gained courage from the power of God; he obeyed God, wrote these long letters, and set good examples for all Christians.

  1 Corinthians 2 explains to us the might of God. The main idea of this chapter is the wisdom of God, which, to us, is a mystery. Paul said he did not approach the people in the church of Corinth “with eloquence or human wisdom,” instead, he merely proclaimed to them God’s mystery. In fact, the mystery of God is Jesus Christ! There is only one way people can know Jesus Christ and the truth of God-through the cross. We can only walk the path of the cross when we are in salvation.

  People who belong to Christ are willing to walk the path to the cross and to have the same mindset as Christ Jesus. As Christians, we all have to carry our cross and follow Jesus. We may face difficulties, we may suffer, and we may shed tears when we are serving God. Some people may fail to persist; they just run away. Nevertheless, God love everyone, and He will never forsake or abandon anyone. Hence, people can always turn to God as long as one is willing to.

  When we encounter hardship, it is natural for us to choose the easier path. However, the easy way, or the path of your presence, may not be the one God has planned for you. Some people may fight for power or wealth with the wisdom of this world, but they are simply walking toward their doom. What is the wisdom of this world? It refers to those who are wise in their own conceit; those who try to make profits with their own means. God used a way men consider foolish to save the souls of those who are willing to believe. People who are too conceited to accept Jesus will never understand the truth. If you talk to someone who is unwilling to learn about God or to be renewed, remember what was written in Matthew 7:6; “Do not give dogs what is scared; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.”

  What is the wisdom of God? It exists in people who are mature and blameless. What kind of people can be considered blameless? Those who belong to God and renewed by the Holy Spirit are the blameless ones. The Bible teaches us to be not only good, but blameless, holy, and pure. We are all sinners in front of God. Accept the salvation from Jesus Christ and confess our sins, and we shall be renewed and blessed. We shall please God.

  Those who belong to this world act like children; they are selfish and they would not let the Spirit of God change them. They are not renewed by the Holy Spirit, they do not know God, and they do not belong to Him. They do not understand the wisdom and mystery of God. If the Holy Spirit doesn’t live in you, everything you perceive is through your speculation. When the Holy Spirit lives in you, you will realize the truth; the things God has prepared for those who love him are things no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no human mind had conceived. People who belong to God searches all things and understand both human and God. As Christians, we all have a mission, a calling from God; we ought to complete the task God has given us and to fulfill His will through His power. We should all be an apostle who belongs to Christ, to the Holy Spirit, and to God.

2016/1/14 Message by Elder Yeh

哥林多前书 第3章 叶牧师 中英摘要

哥林多前书 第3章









2016/1/21 葉長老風美小組訊息/ 方儀摘錄整理


1 Chronicles 3

  The first Corinthians consists of 16 chapters, and the second Corinthians consists of 13 chapters; there are 29 chapters in total. The reason why Paul wrote such long letters were because there were many problems in the church of Corinth.

  Paul told the church in Corinth very seriously, “you are still worldly.” What Paul meant was that although the people in that church looked mature by their appearance, they were still acting like children; they were still controlled and dominated by their flesh. There were jealousy and quarreling among the people in the church of Corinth. Why couldn’t they learn their lesson? Why couldn’t they grow up and start eating solid food? Why were they still in need of milk?

  People in the church of Corinth were divided. Some said that they followed Paul, so Paul asked, “can God be divided?” Paul also told the people that he planted the seed, and Apollos watered it, but they were doing nothing more than God’s work! They were merely God’s servants. Therefore, it is God who makes it grow that we should follow!

  In fact, we are all lands which God has been farming. God loosens the soil, plants the seed, waters it, and makes it grow. God changed our lives so that we are no longer walking toward our doom. Instead, we are now bestowed God’s grace. However, whether we can grow from milk-drinking infants to food-eating adults, and whether we can produce a hundred times what was sown, depend on our willingness to be changed by God.

  We are building a house with God, and God has already laid the foundation for us, that is, Jesus Christ. We must all be careful of what and how we build on this foundation, because we all have to answer to God. Our constructions will be tested and judged. When the Judgement Day comes, even our thoughts will be revealed. If you put God at the first place, you are building a house with gold, silver and diamond; your house will not be burnt down by the fire. If so, God will remember and reward you, and He will call you His good and faithful servant. If you consider God dispensable, you are building a house of wood and thatch; your house will be burnt down easily, and everything you have will be gone. If so, although you are still in God’s grace and are still saved, you will not be rewarded.

  Everything, even our flesh and lust, will perish someday; only God’s words will last. Some Christians go out with friends on Sunday when they are invited even though they know they should go to church. If you spend your time eating, drinking and playing, you will regret when you see God; “why haven’t I taken God’s words more seriously? Why haven’t I worked harder? Why have I pursued worldly pleasures instead of God?” Please remember that someday you will have to answer for what you’ve built.

  Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit; we are holy and dignified! It is said in the Bible that the church is the body, and Christ is the head. We are all part of this body, and we all have different functions and values. We are all important. We live in Christ, and we know that He is the only true God in the universe, so we need to serve Him with all our might.

  We should grow up, because we are the farms of God, and the house God build; our prosperity and dignity are visible and distinguishable. In the same way, our churches train and equip us; our good qualities are also visible. We should become the valuable vessels of God! We should spread the Gospel and introduce people to the God that can change and cultivate their lives. We should help change the lives of others and let God’s glory show in His churches.

2016/1/21 Message by Elder Yeh

哥林多前书 第4章 叶牧师 中英摘要

哥林多前书 第四章







2016 1/28 風美小組葉長老信息/育光摘錄整理


1 Corinthians 4

  There seems to be many contradictions in the first Corinthians, and yet many truths lie in those contradictions. Paul advised us not to be proud or conceited, and he also suggested that we should not exalt people. However, Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 4:16, “Therefore I urge you to imitate me.” Was Paul being arrogant? In fact, Paul was merely asking people in the Church of Corinth to imitate his “loyalty” to Christ.

  It is not unusual that people interpret a text out of its context. It is even more common for people to conceive sinful thoughts and misunderstand the truths in the Bible. When the timing is wrong, it could cause trouble or harm if we quote directly from the Bible to preach to people. Before we go out to spread the Gospel, we should be properly trained so the words of wisdom may come out of us. It is said in Matthew 4:4, “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” This doesn’t mean that we should live only by reading the Bible, without having any food. Fire can be used to cook and to keep warm, and yet it can also bring disasters and dangers. This doesn’t mean fire is bad; it all depends on how you use the fire. We should be very careful with medicines, because they can both cure and kill. A systematic training and a deeper understanding of God’s words are important, because we need to know how to overcome our enemy with the power of God’s words.

  In Japan, having the tattoo of nine dragons indicates that someone belongs to a gang, and that he/she is fierce and tough. However, in the western world, many athletes, not gangsters, tattoo themselves. So is tattoo good or bad? Can we smoke? The Bible doesn’t forbid smoking directly. Many Christians believe that we should not light incense to worship our ancestors, because in Taiwan incense represents Buddhism and heresy. Our God is a jealous God, so we cannot worship any other idol, and we certainly should not worship our ancestors as gods. God asks us to honor our fathers and mothers, but still we can replace incense with flowers. Wouldn’t it be better if we “commemorate” our forefathers instead of “worshipping” them? Our ancestors were human just like us, so we should never worship them or ask blessings and protection from them.

  Therefore, tattoo and cigarette can only influence your impression on the others. If you can inspire people to receive baptism by showing your tattoo in a service, please go and get as many tattoos as you like. If you can persuade people to accept Jesus by smoking, please smoke! As Christians, we should try not to do things that will make bad impression on others.

  Keep in mind that there are two sides to one coin. Gangsters are called Fei-zi in Hong Kong, and are called Tai-bao in Taiwan. Fei-zis gather to look for trouble; they are tough in appearance, but actually very weak. Many missionaries go to dangerous places courageously in order to spread the Gospel. They are captured by the ISIS, and are killed because they didn’t fight back. They are weak in appearance, but actually they are tough and strong. Only when Jesus is in control of your life can you turn weakness into strength, poverty into prosperity, and humble into honorable.

  I’ve met a guy who told me he had everything he needed and wanted. I told him, “you are missing the one thing you need the most, Jesus Christ, the son of God.” My words moved him, and he was baptized. There should be both teachings and love in church; none of them is dispensable. Paul loved the people in the Church of Corinth, but he also preached to them. Jesus Christ loves and teaches us at the same time. “We have been made a spectacle to the whole universe, to angels as well as to human beings,” hence, we should pursue God as hard as we can, and we should glorify God with everything we do!

2016/1/28 Message by Elder Yeh